Welcome to our Farmily!

We help farmers generate better income, track their crop planting and harvesting process, increase sustainability and grow rapidly.

Help us Serve you!

Take a quick short survey and help us understand your needs, and provide you with the best services.


Our Services

Seed to Sales

Track your crop from planting, harvesting and sales stages with our technological solutions. We make sure you have no left overs, no post harvest loses and most importantly make profit.

Farm Management Tools

Get our All-In-One Farm Management software to help you keep record of your produce, track harvesting time and many more.


Climate Smart Agricultural services for our farmers. Get real-time climate/atmospheric data before and during your planting season to reduce risk of crop loss.

Keep In Touch

Contact Information

Fico Africa
Port Harcourt
ficoafrica@gmail.com, admin@ficoafrica.com